The Wolf of Wall Street

The Wolf of Wall Street

This film is action packed and tells the story of Jordan Belfort (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) a young Wall Street stock broker who defrauded people and became rich. Together with his vile right hand associate Donnie Azoff (John Hill) and other dishonest traders, Belfort creates the well-known brokerage house Stratton Oakmont. The firm was infamous for its illegal practices, outrageous parties, and stock manipulation.

The FBI, especially Agent Patrick Denham (Kyle Chandler), takes note of Jordan Belfort’s over-the-top lifestyle which involves lots of money, drugs, and excess. Jordan begins to face the repercussions of his actions as his empire starts to crumble followed by economic greed and corruption.

With an odd combination of satire, humor, and exceptional acting, the movie manages to bring a touch of entertainment while underlying the aggressive monstrosities of Wall Street during the 1990s.

Cast & Crew

  • Leonardo DiCaprio cast as Jordan Belfort
  • Jonah Hill cast as Donnie Azoff
  • Margot Robbie cast as Naomi Lapaglia (Belfort’s wife)
  • Matthew McConaughey as Mark Hanna (Belfort’s mentor)
  • Kyle Chandler cameos as FBI Agent Patrick Denham
  • Jon Favreau as Manny Riskin
  • Jean Dujardin as Jean-Jacques Saurel

The film is directed by Martin Scorsese and features the masterful writing of Terence Winter. It is inspired by the memoir of the real Jordan Belfort, titled “The Wolf of Wall Street.”

Personal Insights

The Wolf of Wall Street is a captivating portrayal of a man who was charged with stock market fraud, but it captures the essence of his life in such a way that it seems like a magnificently elaborate tale of overflowing corporate greed. Scorsese expertly mixes dark and humorous crime drama, allowing the viewers to laugh as well as be shocked at the incredibility of Belfort’s life.

DiCaprio’s performance was nothing short of tremendous, as his portrayal of Belfort’s reckless and charming personality was mesmerising. His infamous “quaalude” scene and those intense monologues (night especially the “I’m not leaving” speech) are quintessential. Jonah Hill is just as great, contributing profoundly appreciated comedy, and other outrageous elements to the movie.”

What’s particularly interesting in this film is that it does not attempt to moralize any of Belfort’s deeds in any explicit manner. Rather, it captures the audience in such a way that they are made to parse their sentiments – do we appall of him for being successful or do we take pride in him for being successful?

Cultural Importance

  • A Critique of Capitalism – This film has managed to capture the overpowering greed and fraud in the stock market which is similar to the real financial scandals that have happened in history.
  • DiCaprio & Scorsese’s Collaboration – This film is yet another successful venture from one of the best directors and actors, like their previous blockbusters The Departed and Shutter Island.
  • Meme Moments – The film features multiple scenes such as DiCaprio dancing or him telling people to sell him a pen, which has resulted in many internet memes and pop culture phrases.
  • Emergence Of Margot Robbie – The Wolf of Wall Street was the movie that gave Margot Robbie her first breakout role, which made her a household name in Hollywood.

Final Thoughts

If you enjoy watching movies with a lot of action, vibrant scenes and sharp modern satire, The Wolf of Wall Street is the movie for you. With DiCaprio’s powerful on-screen presence, Scorsese’s stunning craftsmanship and unmatched storytelling, this film is definitely a gut-wrencher, and, to some extent, even an “Oscar” winner.

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