One of the Best Sci-fi films of the Last 25 Years is on TV Today: the ending is still confusing

One of the Best Sci-fi films of the Last 25 Years is on TV Today: the ending is still confusing

One of the Best Sci-fi films Published 23 years ago Donnie Darko a unique mix of genres such as coming-of-age films, mystery mindfucks and sci-fi puzzles that were never shown in cinemas in Germany. Only later did the film on DVD become an absolute cult in this country, at the latest sparked a lot of discussion with the finale. Tele5 is broadcasting the brilliant feature film debut of Richard Kelly on Sunday evening.

Sci-Fi cult on TV: This is the plot of Donnie Darko

The story of the film revolves around the teenager Donnie (Jake Gyllenhaal), who survives an airplane turbine collapsing into his room. He was only able to do that because he had one Man in a bunny costume called Frank into the garden to tell Donnie that the world will end in 28 days and 6 hours.

Donnie Darko continues to delight and confuse over 20 years later

The strange starting point of Richard Kelly’s feature film debut is the beginning of a strange, thrilling odyssey. Donnie Darko works as much as a high school underdog story with 80s pop culture references as it does as a clever genre experiment Time travel ideas with unsettling horror elements mixed.

The film is probably still a cult film today because the story can be discussed endlessly, which still raises questions today, especially with the mindfuck ending.

When is Donnie Darko on TV?

Tele5 broadcasts the sci-fi mindfuck January 28, 2024 at 10:10 p.m out of. The film is currently not available anywhere in a streaming flat rate. Otherwise you can Rent or buy Donnie Darko on Amazon Prime. *

Watch One of the Best Sci-fi films of the Last 25 Years on sWatchSeries

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